Finite Transform Library



Library for Finite Transforms such as the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) and others. Current modules include NTTW which is the NTT library with high resolution (microsecond) timing, basic array and imaging. The transforms are optimised for performance. Finite Transform Library (FTL) has two modules that cover two transforms defined on the finite circle not commonly found in open source.


The first is the NTTW library for Number Theoretic Transforms (NTTs). NTTs are pure digital transforms computed on integer fields. This allows convolutions to be done exactly and essentially without overflow. This module is inspired by the APFloat library by Mikko Tommila et al where it has been utilised for an arbitrary precision library. See the NTT description by APFloat here. The NTTW library's goal is to focus only on NTTs and to achieve comparable performance to FFTs.

The NTTW module also features a simple Image Module and a High Resolution (micro-second) Timing module all of which are cross platform.

Version 1.0


The second module is designed to compute the Discrete Radon Transform and their variants. A preliminary release has been made available until research paper has been published.

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